lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

The Capitol

Mañana veremos cientos de veces este edificio de Washington pues delante de él, de esta fachada, Barack Hussein Obama jurará el cargo de Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América.
Pero veremos un Capitolio cambiado respecto a estas vistas, más grande y más alto.
Esta primer imagen de la izquierda es un daguerrotipo de 1846, la fotografía más antigua que se conoce del Capitolio.
"The old Senate wing, begun in 1793 and completed in 1800, is to the right; the House wing is to the left. Both were torched by Britush troops in August 1814 during the War of 1812."

"In 1850, Congress (which had grown along with the nation) authorized a badly needed expansion of the Capitol, begun the following year. Subsequently, in 1855 Congress authorized a larger dome in keeping with the larger building. The photo despicts the march 4, 1861, inauguration ceremony of Abraham Lincoln, while the dome was still under construction.
Extraído del libro "Washington, D.C."

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