domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C. Then and now
Alexander D. Mitchell IV
Edita Thunder Bay Press
144 páginas con ilustraciones en blanco y negro y color
Otro libro de la colección que plasma la historia de diversas ciudades en fotografías de ayer y de hoy.
Esta vez le toca a Washington D.C., capital de los Estados Unidos de America y que vamos a ver bastante en los medios de comunicación los próximos días.
"The area now known as the District of Columbia had its origins in 1785 when, after years of a nomadic existence, the new governement of the 13 former British colonies voted to set up shop in a permanent "federal town". After much debate over whether to place the city on the Delaware River or the Potomac River, the governement decided on the southern option. In 1790 George Washington himself selected the 100-square mile diamond of land that would be named after him.
It incorporated parts of Alexandria, Virginia (near his own home at Mount Vernon), Georgetown, Maryland, and both banks of Potomac and Anacostia rivers."
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