jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Libro: His Majesty's Hope

His Majesty's Hope
Susan Elia MacNeal
Diseño de portada: Thomas Beck Stvan
Ilustración de portada: Mick Wiggins
Edita Bantam Books
1ª edición: mayo de 2013
368 páginas
In 1941, Maggie Hope, the first female agent to be dropped behind enemy lines, is sent to bug the home office of Clara Hess, the high-ranking Nazi operative who’s also Maggie’s estranged mother. But without her knowledge, Maggie also is intended to serve as bait to bring in Hess, whose recent operations in ­England—intended to kill Winston Churchill and to kidnap Princess Elizabeth—were foiled largely by Maggie. In Berlin, she also meets nurse Elise Hess, the half-sister she never knew she had, who has just been stunned by viewing Operation Compassionate Death, the mass killings of children with disabilities. When an opportunity to stay in Berlin beyond the completion of her mission presents itself, Maggie seizes the chance to gather additional intelligence, putting herself and her contact in the German Resistance at risk.
Tercera entrega de las aventuras como espía de Maggie Hope durante la 2ª Guerra Mundial.
Y vuelve a tener interés, intriga y emoción.
Sencillo y muy entretenido. ¿Fácil? Seguro que no lo es.

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