domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Video: ... de Scouting for girls

Hoy traigo dos videos de un grupo llamado Scouting for girls, una banda de pop británica formada en 2005.
El primer video se llama She's so lovely , se desarrolla en una bolera y es una canción incluida en el primer disco del grupo, de 2007, y que se lleva su nombre.
La letra de esta canción es muy simple y dice lo siguiente:
I love the way she fills her clothes.
She looks just like them girls in vogue.
I love the way she plays it cool.
I think that she is beautiful.

She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely


She's Pretty, a fitty
She's got a boyfriend though and thats a pitty.
She's flirty so flirty
And that kind of girl thats really dirty.

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know

How we'll make it through this.

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know

I love the way she bites her lip
I love the way she shakes them hips.
I love the way she makes me drool.
I think that she is beautiful.

She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely


A stunner,
I want her
Was she this fit when she was 10 years younger?
Come see me discreatly.
She says shes got a trick or two to teach me.

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
How we'll make it through this.


I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
I think that you are lovely

x 7

I think that you are beautiful.
She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely


I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
How we'll make it through this.


I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
El segundo video es This ain't a love song , del último album "Everybody Wants to Be on TV" (2010), se desarrolla en un aeropuerto, y si alguien tiene duda de en qué país puede estar el aeropuerto sólo tiene que ver la cara del muchacho que está en el mostrador.

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